June 1, 1996

Well, here we are with issue#2 already! Wow, I've got to say I'm really impressed with the response that the premiere outing generated- and I've compiled some of the feedback in a new section called Toothmarks.

The other new feature that Grrowl! #2 is debuting is the Snarl of the Month. Those of you who read the submission guidelines will remember that one of the things that I asked for were rants. Well, I got some-- and Snarl of the Month will be the area where NrrdGrrls with...uh... different points of view can sound off. Some of these rants will undoubtedly be unpopular, but I hope some of the ideas presented in this section will spark thought and debate.

A quick note on Grrowl!'s production schedule-- this 'zine was originally planned to be a quarterly publication, but the level of response has enabled me to push it up to monthly.

Thanks to everyone who has read, written, and shared Grrowl! with me!
